Roundup No. 33: Remote Work Meetings


Happy weekend, Remote Work Tribe! Welcome to another Weekly Roundup, your dose of anything and everything remote work, leadership, and communication. Last month, we spoke all about email etiquette while working remotely (or at least this hilarious take on it). Today, we’re diving into remote work meetings—and if it’s possible to enforce “no meeting days.” 👀

The thought was inspired by this tweet by Amber Naslund.

Amber makes a great point: Sometimes we spend so much time preparing for or anticipating an upcoming meeting, that a “half-hour touch base” spirals into two hours of stifled productivity. It can be hard to get into the flow of ~deep work~ when you’re constantly keeping one eye on the clock.

When the replies came rolling in, it was obvious that the majority of dispersed teams could do without the plethora of remote work meetings crowding their calendar. One user even said “no meeting day” is the best day of the whole month! 

However, it’s not as easy as simply dubbing the third Thursday of every month as a designated “no meeting day.”

Like the above user points out, in order to drastically reduce the amount of remote work meetings we participate in, all team members need to be on board with the plan. That means that every employee should be looped into “no meeting day” and respect others’ boundaries enough to push a meeting on that day—especially not five! 😳

What do you think: are days with no remote work meetings possible? Give us a shout @RemoteWorkTribe on Twitter and let us know! But for now, get into this week’s vibes.

Woman pointing down

The Tribe’s Weekly Vibes

1. This sad but delicious lesson in remote work.

2. This reminder that it’s cool to be supportive online.

3. This life lesson to pick your inner circle wisely.

4. This remote work daredevil of a move.

5. This awfully upfront reminder from our “friend,” Outlook. 

6. This lesson that all team leaders should embed in their brain.

7. This person who might have confused LinkedIn for Tinder.

8. This live footage of our team before and after caffeine.

9.  This hilarious yet stressful thread of two worded horror stories.

10. This interesting poll about remote work communication when issues arise.


What’s happening in your remote world this week? Tag us over on Instagram, @TheRemoteWorkTribe, or on Twitter, @RemoteWorkTribe, for a chance to be featured on our next weekly thread!

Jerry Seinfeld running through the finish line at a marathon


By Grace Trumpfeller